March 20th and April 17th – Thinking for the Revolution
On March 20th and April 17th from 6:30-7:30 pm we will be continuing our open-to-the-public study session series in the Gene Albaugh Community Room of Madelyn Helling Library (980 Helling Way, Nevada City, CA).
In this session we will continue to look at the basics of dialectical materialism through the writings of a variety of revolutionaries who applied this concept both in theory and in practice. These are the second and third events in a series of study sessions where we dig into the big questions like “What drives historical change?” and “What is capitalism?”
Reading materials will be provided at the event. No prior knowledge of the subject is required or expected.
Accessibility: the space is wheelchair accessible and has a maximum seated capacity of 73. We will be providing free N95 masks but are not requiring that they be worn for this event.
This community event is totally free but if you’d like to donate to help events like this continue to happen, let us know 🙂